Route 253-P Timings from Intermediate Bus Stops towards KR Market

Timings of 253-P BMTC Bus Route from KR Circle towards (→) KR Market
  • First Bus
  • 8:42 AM
  • 6:47 PM
  • 9:57 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is Corporation, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of 253-P BMTC Bus Route from Corporation towards (→) KR Market
  • First Bus
  • 8:45 AM
  • 6:50 PM
  • 10:00 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is Town Hall, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of 253-P BMTC Bus Route from Town Hall towards (→) KR Market
  • First Bus
  • 8:47 AM
  • 6:52 PM
  • 10:02 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is KR Market, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of 253-P BMTC Bus Route from KR Market towards (→) KR Market
  • First Bus
  • 8:50 AM
  • 6:55 PM
  • 10:05 PM
  • Last Bus