Route JPV-45E Timings from Intermediate Bus Stops towards Kempegowda Bus Station

Timings of JPV-45E BMTC Bus Route from Kohinoor Ground towards (→) Kempegowda Bus Station
  • First Bus
  • 7:00 AM
  • 3:50 PM
  • 6:15 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is Ramakrishna Ashrama, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of JPV-45E BMTC Bus Route from Ramakrishna Ashrama towards (→) Kempegowda Bus Station
  • First Bus
  • 7:01 AM
  • 3:51 PM
  • 6:16 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is Bengaluru High School, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of JPV-45E BMTC Bus Route from Bengaluru High School towards (→) Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Route No: JPV-45E
  • Bus going towards: Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Bus Timings from: Bengaluru High School
  • Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
  • First Bus
  • 7:02 AM
  • 3:52 PM
  • 6:17 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is Chamarajapet (Towards Ganesh Bhavana), contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of JPV-45E BMTC Bus Route from Chamarajapet (Towards Ganesh Bhavana) towards (→) Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Route No: JPV-45E
  • Bus going towards: Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Bus Timings from: Chamarajapet (Towards Ganesh Bhavana)
  • Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
  • First Bus
  • 7:04 AM
  • 3:54 PM
  • 6:19 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is Makkala Koota, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of JPV-45E BMTC Bus Route from Makkala Koota towards (→) Kempegowda Bus Station
  • First Bus
  • 7:06 AM
  • 3:56 PM
  • 6:21 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is KR Market, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of JPV-45E BMTC Bus Route from KR Market towards (→) Kempegowda Bus Station
  • First Bus
  • 7:08 AM
  • 3:58 PM
  • 6:23 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is Town Hall, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of JPV-45E BMTC Bus Route from Town Hall towards (→) Kempegowda Bus Station
  • First Bus
  • 7:12 AM
  • 4:02 PM
  • 6:27 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is St Marthas Hospital Corporation, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of BMTC Bus Route from St Marthas Hospital Corporation towards (→) Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Route No:
  • Bus going towards: Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Bus Timings from: St Marthas Hospital Corporation
  • Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
  • First Bus
  • 7:14 AM
  • 4:04 PM
  • 6:29 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is Mysore Bank, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of BMTC Bus Route from Mysore Bank towards (→) Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Route No:
  • Bus going towards: Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Bus Timings from: Mysore Bank
  • Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
  • First Bus
  • 7:16 AM
  • 4:06 PM
  • 6:31 PM
  • Last Bus

Next station is Kempegowda Bus Station, contact BMTC Customer Care to get the latest info for this route.

Timings of BMTC Bus Route from Kempegowda Bus Station towards (→) Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Route No:
  • Bus going towards: Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Bus Timings from: Kempegowda Bus Station
  • Return Route Timings: Return Departure Board
  • First Bus
  • 7:20 AM
  • 4:10 PM
  • 6:35 PM
  • Last Bus